Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sept. 25 Athens, OH

Laura and I contacted each other in the morning and checked out the net of what to do and where to go.  We really enjoy hiking so we headed down to Athens to go to the Strouds Run State Park.  We got down there around 12:30 and it was time to eat.  Laura did college at OU so she knew of this great little spot with great chicken, Millers Chicken.  Real small place that was constatly busy the whole time we were there.  Very good and moist chicken, I heard so many gizzards ordered that after we had eaten I oreded a half of an order.  Wow they were good.  I brought them home for Paul to enjoy.
Now for  the  hiking,   we get to the park and find  the map. Well that did not look to hard, the trails were not named on the map except for 1 or 2 but we thought we could do it in about an hour or so.  No need to bring the walking sticks with the compass, the trails won't be to ruged.   Five minutes into it we relized those sticks might have been handy, we were headed straight up.  We talked with a guy that said that we were about 1/2 way up and when we get to the top if we go left it would level out and take us back to the parking lot.   We decide we will go right to see if we could find the scenic over look.

Well 2 1/2 hrs. later, after many spider webs,  we are trying to figure out were we were headed.  We both hate to back track so that kept us going forward.  We took a path that we eventually relized it was a horse trail by the large droppings in the middle of the trail.  So we finally caved into the whole thing of back tracking since the sun was starting to get lower in the sky  and headed back the way we came.  About 3 hrs. from the start, we are back in the car, drinking water and enjoying  the air.   Oh what fun, we survived!

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