Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 31, they are calling it Junuary.

The weather is great, got up to 59 at least. I have been sick with a cold in my chest, but could not resist this weather. So I started Shad up, he didn't want to start at first but then he did. The front tire was low so instead of going out to the shop and using the big compressor, I remember we had bought a small one that you plug into a cigarette lighter. It worked good, I need to use that more often. Then I filled up with gas, geared up and off I went, it felt so good just the freedom of the ride. Some times the fear would try to creep in, so you just slow down and get use to the ride. Loved it. Had to cough a few times in my helmet, did not like that. Rode for about an hour just around here and started to get cold so I headed home. Was great, I look so forward to riding season.