Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More back roads

Nice trip again with many back roads to explore.

Back Tracking

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So a few post back I talked about riding past some woods that were a bit strange, but I did not get any pictures of them.   Well I went back and found them.  The first ones of the platforms in the wood with chairs and benches on them were on Wood Rd. just off of 47 near Richwood.  I often have to go up there to pick up parts for Paul, so I checked it out this last time I went up, was in my cage.

These remind me of a game I once played called myst.  There were paths in the woods with little platforms  for resting.

These other woods are on Church Rd. off of 245 and after showing Paul the pictures he said it must be a Maple syrup collecting woods.  This building was near the woods and it was a large woods with these lines all over it.  

Here is another holding bin, I would like to know more about how then go about collecting it all.  None of the lines seemed to be in the trees, just tied around them.

Just thought it to be very interesting, it took me a while to find these woods.  I had ridden past them once before but was not sure where I had seen them.  Did google earth to see all the woods in the area I had ridden and then found the biggest woods and headed there on my bike for this picture taking ride.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Ride

This ride was coming home from our church women's retreat.  Was up near  Bellefountaine  very enjoyable ride home, after a great time with some wonderful women.

At the retreat we were able to ride horses so about 1 hour before this shot I had been on a horse  doing a 1 hr trail ride.  Was fun coming upon these horse getting refreshed in the water.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Was a great ride today,  I took my camera but forgot the memory card.  So this picture is taken with my phone.  I rode to pick up a combine part for Paul up near Richwood. I did 47 to Prospect and then down this road, River Rd.,  it was so peaceful.  I used ear plugs today and everything seemed so much softer and peaceful, my pipes, my music, and my attitude.  As I drove slowly down this road  the leaves were falling,  loved it.  I so enjoyed this God time. Talking with Him  is one of my favorite things to do as I ride alone.
I rode yesterday also for a couple hours in the afternoon and found many new roads.  There are so many out there with not much use, just waiting for travelers to pass by.  I did saw 2 things that were a bit strange and I should go back and find them. One was yesterday, a forest with lines or strings  going all through it.  That would have been near Bellefountaine off of twp rd. 187 or Church Rd. or there abouts.  The other was today I think it is on Boundary Rd. near Prospect or maybe it was Woods Rd.   It had platforms through out the woods and they had white chairs on them.  Strange, I should stop and take pictures when I see such things but for some reason I keep right on going and then ponder on it and wished I had stopped.   I should try to find them again and get photos.