Got alot of little things done around the house before I left for my ride at 11:45, so a bit tired already.
I'm headed to amish country, plans are to go up to Millersburg and then ride a big circle up there, going thru the town of Charm. I have a nice ride to Millersburg leting the gps lead the way. Up to Delaware the normal way but then onto 42 north and then off on a little road to the right connecting to 521. Got gas and a snack, called Paul and then on thru Mt. Vernon (which was busy) to 36 then to 62. Millersburg is having a festival tomorrow so they had some roads blocked off. I get to the road 241, which I was to take and missed it so I went on to turn around and oh boy the gps had me turn down this little road that I am not sure if it was a road. It took me right into someones barn yard and apeared to go on but got really small and I think it became dirt. I saw many dirt roads up here, not gravel but dirt. Hard to believe that are so many yet in this day and age. I am going to look on google maps and see if I can find that road. Ok just checked, now I know I cannot trust this gps. The road stops there at that barn yard. So frustrating when trying to get back to a road missed that is when you really need the gps to get you there. ERRRRRRR
My date on my camera is a day off. |
So I turn around and head back onto 62 into Millersburg and the road it wanted me to take was a small road that could not be what I was to take. So I pass it again. I relize that the real 241 was blocked off. I felt so frustrated with this whole thing I thought I will just head home. It was also about 2:30 or so, I headed out of town on 83 going north I thought it was headed west. Then I took Co rd. 1 west to 514, this was my favorite road all day. Plenty of hills with nice curves. Went thru the small town of Nashville. Any ways I got home about 5:45 I saw lots of Amish. One guy was just sitting with his team of horses in the field, must have been giving them a break. He smiled and waved. No other contact with anyone else. Did about 250 miles today.